Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, News & Updates
Time to think for Marketers by Madhav Bhandari

Time to think – Why marketers need to schedule “Big-picture” time

The most significant problem for marketers is the lack of time to think. We’re busy with so many things we need to do, from attending meetings to setting up next month’s content calendar or brainstorming with our team. After that, there’s not much time left to sit back and just think about what we can […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types

Micro-Influencers – The Weapon Of Choice Of A Successful Entrepreneur?

What do you feel when seeing product placement in movies or YouTube? Do you rush to the store to buy something a star is using? I guess the answer is no. No, you don’t. Sure, when done smartly, product placement and influencer marketing can do wonders in terms of spreading brand awareness. Or they can […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types

How to Get Your Video Seen On YouTube? Through These SEO Tricks

As we’ve already discussed earlier, people are uploading 90 petabytes of content to YouTube on a daily basis. If you were to watch all of these videos alone, it would take you three and a half years without food or sleep. Man, all that in just one day of uploads? Damn, that’s a huge mess. […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types, Beauty & Wellness
Business Blogger

Blogging Tips: How To Get Your Salon Off The Ground Through Quality Content?

Ok, all of us here know the importance of blogging. It increases the search engine rankings of your site, boosts awareness, generates a reason for people to return to your website, builds a community and so on and so forth. But you already know that. You know the “why” and you came here specifically for […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types

Is YouTube a Marketing Dumpster?

I saw a kid on YouTube yesterday who was eating ketchup. And that’s it. YouTube’s sophisticated algorithms have suggested me to watch a 10-minute video about a sauce-consuming child. They either don’t work as they were intended or they have a really poor opinion regarding my video content taste. Ok, YouTube’s vision regarding me as […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types
Social media marketing tips from a booking service

Wait I Can Do That? Unexpected Ways to Use Social Media For Business

Social Media offers many benefits to business owners and yet we choose to only use them as an advertisement platform. Why? Because it works for business. You have to spend to earn. That’s how the world works. But does it, really? I mean, there are many people on social media. Billions of users log into […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types, Coaching & Consulting
7 p's of coaching business

The 7 P’s Of A Flourishing Coaching Career

Why are you in the coaching business? For the fame, the money, the chance to make people’s lives better? Given your career choice the odds are that you are in for the latter but, in reality, does it matter? Whatever your objective may be, a full appointment book is a necessity as it will provide […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types

7 Impressive Landing Page Optimization Tricks Destined To Skyrocket Conversions

We’ve talked a lot about the importance of a decent social media strategy, the impact email marketing has on your business and we’ve even covered the basics of a solid USP and core strategies. All of them are designed to do 1 thing and 1 thing alone – bring people to your website. However, what […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types

Make A Name For Yourself: Brilliant Examples Of Memorable Small Business Branding

Think outside the box, they say. Easier said than done, I reply. The human mind is not programmed to work that way. We’ve evolved thanks to the ability to locate patterns. Cause and effect are the bread and butter of our society. We just are not made for thinking outside the box as a species. […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types, Beauty & Wellness
email letters for salon marketing

Why Email Means The Life To A Smart Beauty Salon Owner?

You know what bothers me? How awkward it is for businesses to get their hands on a person’s email address. Asking for it just seems too sleazy, doesn’t it? I mean, it is definitely not the topic that casually comes across when one of your clients is doing her hair or nails. And yet, this […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types
USP for business

What Is And What’s Not A Unique Selling Point Of Your Business?

You know how in every party there’s always that one guy who can’t shut up about how awesome he is? The dude literally shoves the keys from his BMW (and they always drive a BMW for some reason) into everyone’s face just to show of how luxurious his life is. Everyone hates that guy, right? […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson
