Business Tips

7 Effective Ways to Integrate Online Booking with Email Marketing Campaigns 

A booking system can be a boon to managing appointments for service-based businesses. But what’s the best way to connect personally with clients to book with your business without intrusive sales calls?The answer is– email marketing with “Book Now” CTA!Email marketing is one of the best business tactics for contacting your clients and increasing conversion. […]

Daena Skinner


Business Tips
Tips For Scaling Your Business And Expanding Your Client Base

Tips For Scaling Your Business And Expanding Your Client Base

Business owners, in general, want their businesses to grow and succeed. Nobody wants to be in the same position now that they were in when they started their business years ago. They want more traffic, more clients, and bigger deals. However, scaling a business and expanding your client base isn’t just about meeting increased demand—but doing […]

Daena Skinner


Business Tips
5 Secrets to Guaranteed Online Learning Success

5 Secrets to Guaranteed Online Learning Success

Do you want to make sure students find value in your online course? If so, you’re far from alone. Business owners and content creators know that virtual lessons are growing in popularity and are an excellent way to turn visitors into subscribers and subscribers into loyal customers.  We all may have slightly different reasons for […]

Daena Skinner


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
How to Handle Client Data Responsibly in Your Booking System-1

Don’t forget to be compliant when launching your online business!

Ready to launch your online business? Hold tight! Navigating the intricate web of legal compliance requirements becomes crucial. We understand that being compliant with various laws may seem like a daunting task. That’s why we’re here to provide you with some useful resources that will help take the pressure off, so that you can go […]

Jessica Ryder


Business Tips

Cash To Contactless: Navigating Physical Security Challenges For In-Store Payments

RBR Global forecasts that 80% of credit and debit cards will have contactless functionality by 2027. Contactless payments have swept the retail industry, offering speedy and easy payments for customers.  But what does this mean for security in retail stores? Keep reading as we explore the top physical security threats presented by contactless payment methods […]

Daena Skinner


Business Tips
Small Business Expenses

4 Effective Ways to Handle Small Business Expenses in 2024

Wishing there were smarter ways to handle small business expenses in 2024? As we move forward in 2024, it’s more important than ever for small businesses to handle their finances effectively in order to stay competitive and profitable.  Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for years, I’m sure this post will […]

Gaurav Sharma


Business Tips, News & Updates
valentines day marketing

Why Valentine’s Day Is the Perfect Marketing Opportunity for Your Business

Valentine’s Day, a celebration of love and affection, presents a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with their customers in more personal and engaging ways. Beyond the traditional market of flowers, chocolates, and greeting cards, this holiday has evolved into a global commercial phenomenon. It’s highlighted by the National Retail Federation’s report that spending for […]

Daena Skinner


Business Tips
seo trends 2023

2023 SEO Trends: A Roundup for SMBs

As the digital landscape continues its rapid evolution, understanding the latest trends in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) becomes crucial for businesses of all sizes. The year 2023 has introduced some exciting developments in SEO, each presenting unique opportunities and challenges. This roundup will explore these trends, offering insights for businesses looking to enhance their online […]

Daena Skinner


Business Tips, News & Updates
Productivity hacks for online small businesses

6 Productivity Hacks for Online Small Businesses

Are you a small business owner feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind? Do productivity tips often seem like they’re geared toward larger enterprises, leaving you to fend for yourself in the bustling online marketplace? You’re not alone. Small business owners juggle numerous tasks, from customer service to inventory management, often with limited resources. The struggle […]

Olga Pak


News & Updates, Business Tips vs shore

Why Is a Better Choice for Your Business Than Shore

In the ever-evolving world of online scheduling and appointment management, choosing the right tool can make or break your business’s success. Two popular contenders in this space are and Shore. While both offer a range of features for business owners, today we will explore why we feel that stands out as a superior […]

Daena Skinner


News & Updates, Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips

6 Mindset Shifts Every Small Business Owner Needs To Succeed

According to statistics, 50% of small businesses fail within five years. Basically, every other person who starts a business does not succeed. What’s the difference between those who make it and those who struggle and inevitably give up? Let’s find out! First of all, such a high business failure rate doesn’t stem from a lack […]

Juliet Dreamhunter
