Personal & Home Services, News & Updates
Custom Made Maids

Custom Made Maids: Revolutionising Cleaning with

Custom Made Maids isn’t just another cleaning company in the US; they’re redefining cleanliness with a personalised touch. Custom Made Maids focuses on tailored solutions, from regular maintenance to deep cleans. They meet each client’s unique needs effectively. Central to this customised service delivery is, which streamlines their operations and enhances client interaction. Membership […]

Daena Skinner


Business Types, Business, Product & Tool Tips, Public, Professional & Retail, Personal & Home Services, Business Tips
5 Things to Include in an Invoice Template For Cleaning Services

5 Things to Include in an Invoice Template For Cleaning Services

Cleaning can be very fulfilling, but it’s also hard work. So, if you provide cleaning services, it’s important that you and your workers are paid for your time and effort. Invoicing and ensuring payment can be a sore point for cleaning businesses, especially smaller domestic cleaning businesses. It’s too easy for private clients to forget […]



Business Types, Personal & Home Services
Online household services scheduling

Online Scheduling for Household Services – Why your business needs the right tools.

Household services are becoming a lot more popular with working people everywhere. What we might once have tried to do ourselves, many working households have discovered outsourcing things like cleaning, DIY, home and garden maintenance is far more efficient and cost-effective than trying to do everything. More households than ever in most western countries have […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Personal & Home Services
online self-booking for personal services and meetings

Online Self-Booking for Personal Services & Meetings

Personal services and meetings come in so many different varieties that it can be tough to provide business advice that encompasses all of them. However, in one area, we can be pretty definitive, online self-booking for personalised services is a must-have for any business trying to make and keep their space in the market. Providing […]

Amie Parnaby
