Home Business Types Friday Fun: 8 Small Business Memes That Hit The Sweet Spot
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Friday Fun: 8 Small Business Memes That Hit The Sweet Spot

Ingvar Gudmundsson
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Memes for small business owners

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Are your funny bones ready for a whole bunch of healthy laughter to finish an otherwise overwhelming, busy week with a smile?

You’ve come to the right place then, as I present to you my top picks in the small business-themed meme awards/ Pick the one that tickles your fancy, mention it in the comments below and let’s decide on the best source of entrepreneurial fun together!

Just remember – they are only funny because they are true.

1 – When you decide to make money on your greatest passion and don’t even care about what others think. It’s just none of their darn monkey business!

monkey business

Source – nedesem

2 – When it seems like literally everyone and their mother is putting sticks in your wheels

Funny sign: Neighborhood dealers apologize for stopping sales due to surveillance cameras.

Source – dumbbum

3 – When they say business is about solving someone else’s pain and you take it a bit too seriously

*coughs* Apple slowing down older iPhones went to same business school * coughs*

Comic: Person picks up a free book labeled 'poisoned,' then sees antidote sold for $100 by the same vendor.

Source: moeshd98

4 – When your social media marketing isn’t going too well

My Instagram is fine though, thank you!

Bad Luck Brian meme: Gets a new like on company Facebook page; it's from his mom.

Source: Pinterest

5- No pants – the only reason to be a freelancer

Grumpy Cat meme: Freelancing—Don't make me put on pants.

Source: Pinterest

6 – The words of wisdom have been spoken

Chalkboard sign encouraging shopping local, saying it supports families, not CEOs, with a call to 'Shop Local.

Source: me.me

7 – When the doors are open on a Monday morning and you haven’t had coffee yet

Grumpy Cat meme: 'There are two kinds of people in this world, and I don’t like them.

Source: Pinterest

8 – So this is how the internet works for business?

Success Kid meme: 'Tapped into internet culture, totally connected with consumers.'

Source: LocalSphere

And for dessert – something about our blog – news.simplybook.me

Most Interesting Man meme: 'I don’t always talk business, but when I do, baby angels sing.'
Source: Pinterest

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