June Newsletter – Hello World! Opening Borders and Business Doors
After months of isolation, countries across the world are opening their borders, and more notably, businesses may open their doors again. Hopefully, yours is one of them. Let’s see what June has had to offer. New in June June, while getting rather hot in places, has also been a hotbed of project completions for us […]
May Newsletter – Adjusting to “New Norms” and Making a Comeback
What do we have in the May Newsletter, that will bring hope and pleasant news? Lots! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and we are right here with you. May has seen some regions easing the tight restrictions of movement and opening some “less-essential” stores. However, what has been happening on […]
April Newsletter – Staying Safe and Compliant Through Lockdown Recovery
It’s that time again when we let you know everything that has been happening with us over the last month – Welcome to the April Newsletter! It’s been a weird month. We’ve all been working from home – although just as effectively. And many of you have been looking at original ways to make this […]
March Newsletter: Keeping Afloat and Staying Safe
No one wants to hear anything else about COVID-19, but until the news arrives that there has been a significant decline in cases, it has become part of our lives. Welcome to the March Newsletter! I bet this month has been rough, and you are probably waiting for things to get worse through April. Your […]
February Newsletter: Resources, Rescheduling, and the Return of the App
Another busy month of new developments and releases has passed. Along with resources, rescheduling and mobile apps, we’ve added a new theme, new functionality for Zapier integration and created a Marketing suite for easy access. There’s something new for everyone this February, which of the latest releases have you been awaiting? Keep reading to discover […]
January News & Updates: How are our Resolutions going?
Since our last update around the Christmas period, our development and design teams have come back refreshed from the break. Moreover, they got straight down to business on a whole new range of updates to your favourite booking and business management solution – That’s us. What’s hot right now? We’re keeping busy with some hot […]
The 2019 SimplyBook.me Development & Highlights
What we developed for you this year? 2019 has been an incredible year for building on this fantastic booking system. Ensuring that a scheduling system of this breadth and scope stays up to date, in the face of ever-evolving technology and changing online best practices, is an exercise in continuous development. Not only do we […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
November Newsletter – Deposits, Instagram and so much more
The end of the year is drawing ever closer, and we have been super busy bringing new developments to your booking system. We have new features and system enhancements that will improve the user and client experience, business management and reporting excellence. While we’ve brought several new functions to the table in November, we have even […]
October Newsletter: Marketplaces, Payments & Partnerships
Autumn is turning to winter, the gorgeous fall leaves have started falling, and it’s the time of year when people start to get the festive vibe (or “Bah, Humbug!”). The holiday season is just around the corner, and we have a couple of early gifts for your business stocking. October has been a busy month […]
September Newsletter: Security Updates, New Interface, And a Little Bit More
That’s it! Summer is officially over, and we all have to get our noses back to the grindstone. The Pumpkin Spice Latte is back on the menu, and we have a lot of new stuff to tell you… Welcome to the September Newsletter New Releases – The things you have been waiting for Security Updates […]
August Newsletter: Bug Fixes, Exciting Times, And a little secret, Shhh!
We’re reaching the end of Summer, and the chilled out and relaxed feelings are winding up to give some us some serious momentum through Autumn. See what we have been up to in our August newsletter roundup. Even our developers need some downtime in their lives. So, while actual releases are sparse, there’s a tonne […]