Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips
Terms and Conditions Checkbox Removal

Friday Feature: Terms & Conditions Checkbox Removal

It doesn’t matter what kind of business or website you run. There will be occasions that require your clients to adhere to your terms and conditions. It is the nature of the beast that is an online business. To streamline the process for your clients, you may want to remove the terms and conditions checkbox […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips

Payment Channels – How do you want to get paid?

Cash, Cards, mobile phones, digital wallets, the number of ways you can pay for goods and services is continuing to expand. So which payment channels will your business accept? To cater to the needs of everyone, you may think that using every available option is the best thing you can do. However, doing everything to […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips
point of sale titles

Friday Feature: Point of Sale Feature Functionality [VIDEO]

Whether you are an established business or just getting started, don’t you wish that your Point of Sale system would sync with your booking system? That’s why the Point of Sale (PoS) functionality in the system is designed to be easy to use and integrated with your booking system. The video shows a great […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips
SMTP Function

Friday Feature: SMTP function – Using your email server to send notifications [VIDEO]

Reminders, notifications, and promotional emails from your booking site are some of the benefits to your scheduling software. You can add a professional touch to your business emails by using the SMTP function, which allows your booking website to send emails from your business email address. Sending emails to customers is not just about email […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
email marketing tools

Email Marketing: Still king, now and into the future

Some people seem to think that email marketing is dead; they couldn’t be more wrong. Email marketing remains one of the greatest drivers of attention, engagement, and retention.  However, as we go forward, the relationship between businesses and the recipients of their marketing campaigns has to change. Clients and potential clients require more value from […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
Sales and Marketing Tools

Friday Feature: Sales & Marketing Tools [VIDEO]

No business can hope to survive and grow, without some help from a sales drive or marketing push. Even if are relying on good old word of mouth, it is still considered one of the most powerful marketing tactics, with the most significant positive response. To streamline your business administration, has some excellent sales […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips
Appointments at fixed times

Friday Feature: Appointments At Fixed Times [VIDEO]

If you have a diverse range of services and service durations, you might want the flexibility of defining appointments at fixed times, that works both for you and the business.  Flexibility for your schedule At the initial setup of your booking site, you might decide to set yourself a timetable that is in slots of […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
Custom Domain name

Buying Your Domain Name – What you need to know

If you are considering creating a business website or applying a custom domain to a third-party business platform (Custom Domain on, you will need to buy a domain name. While registering your domain name has become a simple and straightforward task in recent years, you need to know what you are doing. Last week […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
custom domain

Friday Feature: Custom Domain URLs [VIDEO)

Does it bother you when a client wants to make an appointment they have to navigate away from your website? Do you wish that your booking site had the same address appearance as your website? Are you concerned that customers may avoid making an online booking because of the different URL address? These and several […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
Intake Forms

Friday Feature: Intake Forms for Improved Efficiency

Have you ever arrived at an appointment and found that you had to spend the first ten minutes, filling out a form before you could proceed? Perhaps it was even worse, and you arrived at an appointment to find that they couldn’t accommodate you due to a lack of information. Could you have avoided these […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
accepting payments online

Friday Feature: Accepting Payments on Your Booking Website [VIDEO]

No one likes the feeling of handing over their hard-earned cash for a necessary or luxury service. If it’s a treat like a spa day or massage, it puts a pall on the whole experience. For necessities, the feeling is even worse because you know you can’t put it off or get away with not […]

Amie Parnaby
