Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training
Educational trends in 2021

Educational Trends & Self Improvement for 2021

The world changed significantly in 2020, and children, school-leavers, employees, and employers have to approach education and training in different ways to seek optimal results. The educational trends of 2021 will see adults and teenagers choosing alternative pathways to knowledge and skills, while training and education institutions will need to make adjustments to their course […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training
University Scheduling

University Scheduling: A complex system requires a comprehensive tool

If you’ve ever been to university or worked in one, you’ll know that they’re a complex web of interconnecting systems. Not to mention the hundreds of affiliated and parallel entities that co-exist, but don’t intersect. University scheduling is something that takes months to organise, but there are ways of mitigating clashing schedules, student accommodations, and […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training, Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
School Scheduling Online

School Scheduling Online: Parents, Students, and Teachers Benefit from Online Booking

Any school administrator or Headteacher knows the headache involved in scheduling a class timetable for a whole school. It’s an intricate web of ensuring available teachers and appropriate classrooms for subjects. Then there’s covering extracurricular supervision time and allowing enough time for lesson prep and student grading. That doesn’t even cover the additional requirements around […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training
Childcare Booking System

How to Create a Childcare Booking System [VIDEO]

No developed economy can function properly without adequate childcare facilities. A fact that has been made abundantly clear over the past six months. Another clear indicator from the world of services is that online scheduling and appointment booking is becoming an essential aspect of choosing a provider. When you put those two things together, you […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training
online scheduling for childcare

Online Scheduling for Childcare Providers (of all kinds)

Childcare today is an essential part of our daily lives, societal and economic infrastructure, and even business. The single parent doesn’t function in society without childcare, and neither do the families with two working parents. Society has changed, childcare has become the very cornerstone on which business, economy, and the continuation of the species rests. […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training, Sports, Fitness & Gyms, Events & Entertainment
Scheduling Classes

Scheduling Classes for Practically Anything [VIDEO]

Academia, fitness, life-skills, occupational courses and much more all require a learning environment. Unless you’re providing one-to-one intensive tuition, you can offer all of these in a class with multiple attendees. It’s much more profitable for you and more accessible to your clients. Scheduling classes for online booking makes the process so much easier. Scheduling […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training
teaching online, video classrooms

Teaching Online – Engage online learners with real lessons

Online learning has been popular for a long time, but if you want genuine lessons on something specific, you want a teacher who knows their field and knows how to teach. Devising classes and creating courses online could be a source of extra income for the traditional teacher or those disillusioned with current teaching roles. […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training

How to Create a Better Work-life Balance as a Teacher

In this day and age, striking a fine balance between your career and private life is a treacherous endeavor. To make it worse, teaching is not exactly among jobs with good work-life balance. Almost three-quarters of all teachers deal with work-related stress on a regular basis. This plight often originates from external conditions and pressures […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training
start a tutoring business

How to Start a Tutoring Business

Good tutors are always in demand. Across all age groups, demographics, and education levels, students require active support beyond what a regular classroom can offer. And to get the ball rolling with your idea to start a tutoring business, you need neither a teaching degree nor specialized training. But, if you are eager to start […]

Matija Barišić


Education, Teaching & Training, Business Types
Business ideas even your grandma can pull off

5 Blazing Business Ideas Even Your Grandma Can Pull Off Right Now!

I recently became a dad and I have to admit I am having a blast. Toddlers are awesome. But they are also expensive as hell. Have you seen the prices on those tiny little shoes that look so adorable but serve little to no purpose? Just in case you don’t know the prices – stuff […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training
The roe of tutors in the future

Is Tutoring The Real Job Of The Future?

If I were a tutor, I’d start planning my schedule right now, because the odds are that I will be too busy to do so tomorrow. Tutors are mankind’s real future. Oh, don’t look so surprised. Who would you expect to lead us into a new era? Robots? I mean, robots are kinda cool and […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson
