Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips, Tool Tips
Top 6 Meeting Schedulers

Top 6 Meeting Schedulers – Reduce the pain of scheduling meetings

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could ask for a meeting and everyone is free at the right time? In reality, that is very rarely the case. Someone is on holiday, another has a business meeting, and another might only work part-time. If you use the traditional route of asking everyone to work out a meeting […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips
Telegram notification feature

Telegram Notification Custom Feature – Another channel for client contact

Client contact details are crucial for avoiding appointments that clients miss or forget. However, how you contact clients is just as important as the notification itself. It is a balancing act between effective communication and cost-effective methods. Emails can easily be ignored, and SMS can become expensive if you send all notifications and reminders this way. The […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
appointment reminders, why automation is your best friend

Appointment Reminders: Why Automation is Your Best Friend

It can sometimes seem like our lives get busier every day. Business conferences, team meetings, Zoom calls; our diaries get fuller and fuller. Some of these appointments can be crucial, and forgetting or missing them may mean lost revenue or even damage to your reputation and that of your business. With many companies embracing digital acceleration, […]

Tammy Wood


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips
file uploader - google drive

File Uploader – Google Drive (making document collection simple) VIDEO

Last week released another new custom feature for their users, the File Uploader – Google Drive feature.  Have you ever wished that you could ask your clients to upload important and pertinent details to your system so you could provide a better service?  When you provide services to people, there is always some sort […]

Amie Parnaby

23/11/2021 Tips, Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
best booking system

The Best Booking System for Your Needs

If you’re here, it’s because you have already started looking at implementing online booking for your business. Maybe you already have it, and you are looking for an option that suits your business better. The chances are that you have a service business already, or you’re on the cusp of starting one, and you want […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
add online booking with embedded booking forms

How to Add Online Booking to My Website – with [Video]

It’s been a long time since having an effective online presence became essential for growing and promoting your business. So that’s what you did. You spent a lot of time building and designing a website, expanding your social reach and everything else that a business should do. Then they told you that you needed to […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
services as gifts

Promoting Your Services as Gifts – Gift Cards, Marketing, and More

So you have an excellent steady list of clients, many of them repeat customers, and enough marketing to attract new ones. However, are you missing out on attracting even more new clientele by failing to promote your services as gifts? What makes your services perfect for your clients but not great as a gift? Obviously, […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
report and monitor bookings and clients and with custom feature reports

Report and Monitor Bookings with – Part 2: Custom Feature Reports

In our last article on reporting, we talked about the need to monitor bookings and the reports and monitoring tools available in your interface. This time we will go deeper into the custom feature reports available to you when you implement the custom features that make your booking system fit your business like a […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
report and monitor bookings and clients and with custom feature reports

Report and Monitor Bookings and Clients with – Part 1:Basic Reporting

One of the responsibilities of running your own business is being responsible for all the mundane and administrative tasks that come as part of the deal. You want that to be as simple as possible. One of the most common admin tasks is to report and monitor your business activities. That means you have to […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
Accept payments online

Accept Payments Through (so much more than a simple scheduler)

While a scheduler is an excellent addition to your service business management toolkit, extra tools can make a booking system far more effective and beneficial to you. If you aren’t already accepting payments through your scheduling system, the Accept Payments feature from can be extremely helpful. This week’s video will give you a thorough […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
integrating business tools

Integrating Business Tools with

We all have our favourite business management tools. We all have things that work best for us. Part of our decision-making process when deciding on a new product is how well it will integrate with our existing products. We don’t want to shake up our entire system to make one new product work for us, […]

Amie Parnaby
