Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tool Tips
marketing on a tight budget

How to Market Your Business on a Small Budget

If you want consumers to notice your company and buy your products, you have to reach out to them and tell them all about your products and services. This is marketing in its most basic form. Marketing requires three things; time, effort and money. For big conglomerates and multinationals, this is not an issue because […]

Jamal Khan


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips, Tool Tips
marketing tools in

How to Use the Marketing Tools for your Strategy Overhaul

It’s the beginning of the year, and January is traditionally a slow time of year. Beyond traditionally slow periods, there are still many places under lockdown restrictions. Right now, it’s the best time to make sure you’re getting the most out of your system, and overhaul your marketing strategy. The marketing tools within the […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tool Tips
social media trends 2021

Social Media Trends for 2021 – Get On Board Quickly

No one wants to talk about 2020, especially since 2021 doesn’t show any signs of being much better( so far). However, the circumstances of 2020 have instigated massive changes in online behaviour and expectations, both from companies and clients alike. In turn, these changes will persist and develop through 2021. Social media trends, in their […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
Book Multiple Days

How to Book Multiple Days & Why You Might Need To

Not all services are short-term or ad-hoc, so how can you use to accommodate bookings over multiple days? We often give a lot of attention to businesses providing short-term services and appointments in minutes or hours. However, today, we’re addressing how we can help those who offer only long-term services or even those who […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips
the New Client App

The Client App! Your Business at Your Clients’ Fingertips [VIDEO]

Have you ever considered having a mobile app for your client contact and booking? In our last newsletter, we teased the release of our newest feature release, the client app. Now, it’s here! The mission has always been to make contact between businesses and their clients as simple as possible. Using your scheduling […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
Business Development Trends 2021

Business Development Trends to Prepare for in 2021

Here we are at the end of 2020 – the year we all wish had been very different. However, far from being universally awful, this year has taught us some important lessons, and irrevocably altered the path of business development trends through 2021.  The people who track business development trends, usually do so in terms […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tool Tips
Guest Post by Richard Conn

7 Advantages of Productivity Tools for Your Business

Put simply; your productivity is a measure of how efficient your processes are. This applies whether you are in manufacturing, in one of the many service sectors, or a different niche entirely. Furthermore, better productivity leads to an increase in profits, as you supply more goods or services that your customers want.  But while that […]

Richard Conn


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
Email Marketing Defining Goals & Choosing Campaigns

Email Marketing Tips & Tools – (PART 3) Launching an Email Campaign & Analysing the Results

This is the last chapter in our primer series on Email Marketing Tips & Tools. If you missed the previous two chapters, you’d find them here, Part 1: Dos, Don’ts, and Personalisation and Part 2: Defining Goals & Choosing Campaign Templates. Today, I’m going to talk about email campaign management tools and, discuss feedback metrics and responses, and […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
moving your business online

6 Tips for Moving Your Business Online

The situation that occurred in 2020 is unprecedented in modern history. For many decades there was no such test for brick and mortar business owners like this one. So far, only the small businesses have been hit, but bigger companies have begun to feel it too. In some cases, COVID just accelerated an inevitable fall; in others, […]

Vlad Falin


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
Proactive Customer Service

6 Ways Small Business Customer Service Can be Proactive

Customer service is always important for any business size. Good customer service practices transform service from being reactive to proactive.  Reactive service is where a business waits for customers to contact them, whether it’s with a complaint or a query before they respond. Reactive customer service is outdated, and customers now expect something better. There […]

Zofia Bobrowicz Cohn


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips

4 Pros to Making Your Small Business Cashless

From little corner shop cafes to ice-cream vans, cash has for decades been the backbone of small businesses. It made sense as the ubiquitous method of payment, as everyone had it and everyone knew how to use it. However, in recent years consumer payment habits have changed dramatically. In 2019, card payments accounted for 51% […]

Richard Conn
