Personal Coaching Tips: The Stairway To Your First $1 Million

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Personal coaches probably know more about rules than any other person in the world. You have to keep so many things in your head from personal diets for every customer to best practices and tips regarding various exercise programs.
You guys are amazing. And yet, judging by the work I do for you at, your business performance isn’t nearly as fit as your godlike bodies, to say the least. The lion’s share of your appointments come for early mornings and late evenings, the times when the “normal” people don’t work and their sum is rarely near the expected 40 hours.
Where do you even find the time to sleep, eat, and workout yourselves?
Given the volume of work you guys do I sincerely believe that this way of life is not fair and the time has come to shift the tables.
You need a better schedule that fits you, not someone else and you need a stable source of income. Easier said than done, right? But then again, so is staying fit and healthy and yet here we are – not only have you mastered these skills yourself, but you also are awesome enough to teach others!
All you need is a decent workout program for your coaching business. Luckily, I have one and I’m even sharing it with you guys right here for free. Are you ready for “The Stairway To Your First $1 Million?”
Step 1: embrace entrepreneurship
You are not only a coach, you are a business owner. Now hold on for a moment. Wait. A little bit more. Just let it sink in.
Your choices are not a side gig nor are they a way of earning a few extra bucks to stay on the float. Coaching is your career! Every outlet out there will tell you that you need a program and some referrals to start a business and you’ll be fine. No, you will not.
Sorry, but you won’t.
You’ll need much more than that. You will need a business plan with a compelling analysis of the market, supply, demand and the target audience.
Why? Here’s an example. You need to charge your people some money. But how much? You can’t just guess the sum or it will be too much or too petty. Some people in NY or LA may afford to pay $100 per hour for your services, but you can only dream such a demand in Eastport, Maine where the average family income is around $5-6K monthly.
These and other factors should be accounted for in your plan. I can highly suggest for you to do your homework while crafting a successful business model. Here are a few places to go for inspiration:
- Business Plans: A Step-by-Step Guide
- How To Write A Business Plan
- How to Write a Great Business Plan: Key Concepts
Step 2: Start a blog
Content Marketing is not rocket science and yet it is one of the most efficient ways of gaining digital buzz around your brand. A simple story gone viral will generate more leads and sales for your business than there are in any of your client’s contact book.
Don’t take my word for it, check out the stats:
- 77% of internet users read blogs
- 81% of Americans trust in an opinion they’ve seen online in a blog
- 61% of American consumers have made shopping decisions based on tips they’ve seen in blogs
To sum everything up – having a blog opens the doors into the minds and hearts of countless customers who wish to stay fit and healthy.
What are the other benefits of blogging?
- Setting up a blog isn’t hard. WordPress grants you access to thousands of awesome themes and amazing drag-&-drop customization for free.
- The hosting won’t cost you more than a cup of decent coffee.
- The whole thing is way cheaper than hiring a PR firm for your business.
- Blogging and content marketing is not rocket science
- You are already coaching people meaning you have lots of knowledge to share. Why let it go to waste?
Step 3: Go Social
Now that you have a blog the time has come to share your wisdom with others through social media.
You won’t have an army of followers at first, but – trust me – every little man matters, especially when talking about the likes of YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.
Your post may gain a single re-post on your page, but the entire contact base of the person sharing your content will see what you’ve said. Surely some of them will love what you do.
Pro tip: do not go all me-me-me on social media. Your content has to bring value or it will be ignored. Your blog posts seem like a nice fit but they are not, because, in the endgame, they are still about you.
Create unique, visually rich content for your social media page and share the works of others. This will attract their attention to you, make your feed diverse and interesting and it will increase your follower count.
Here’s a general rule of thumb: use 3 pieces of shared content per every unique piece you’ve created.
Step 4: Gain authority
Ok, blogging and social media may be simple, but it is not a piece of cake. You will not get rich and famous after publishing your knowledge online. People simply won’t see your work when they google workout practices or healthy eating tips. The competition in the niche is too high.
Some of you may have already heard about it, but for those who have not – there is a thing called SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Simply put this is an art of hacks and tricks that force Google into thinking that your site is the best fit for a given search term aka keyword.
Investing your time and efforts into SEO for a new blog is useless.Google is smart enough not to fall for any tricks a beginner might pull off and the competition for the juiciest keywords will simply eat you alive.
What you really need is the authority. Reach out to established bloggers and social media influencers in your niche. They already have a crowd that follows them and that crowd may as well become your audience.
Suggest writing a guest post for their blog with a link to your site. They’ll get great work done for free and you will gain awareness.
Try out referral marketing as well. This means you will have a blog host a link to your site and you will pay them a pre-arranged amount of money for every sale that comes from their link.
Try something else if you will, but do your best to gain the much-needed attention to your blog. Here are a few more amazing tips for you to consider:
- 8 Ways To Promote Your Content
- 36 Tried-and-True Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts
- How To Promote Your Blog: 101 (Free) Ways To Boost Traffic
Step 5: Publish a book
Now that you have a blog and a following, the time has come for you to publish a book, or a video course or whatever that’s more than a blog or a series of YouTube videos. Those can get a lot of attention to your persona, but they will not add weight to your paycheck.
You see, Alex the Youtuber doesn’t sound as classy as Alexander, the author of an Amazon bestseller “The Stairway To Your First $1 Million”
I’ll open a dirty secret – the book doesn’t even have to sell well. People will fall for your title – you are an author and you stand out from the crowd thanks to that. Having a book makes you an elite coach and raises your rates dramatically.
What will the book be about? That’s easy! You already have a blog. Use a few of your existing articles of the same theme, stick them together and rewrite them a bit. That’s it, you are now a proud bestselling author!
The publishing process is not that hard either. You can self-publish a book and here’s how you do it:
- How To Self-Publish Your Book Through Amazon
- Take Control with Self Publishing
- How to publish on Kindle?
Step 6: Monetize your success story
Now that you have the recipe for success all you have to do is repeat it. Polish the steps to perfection and then take an unexpected twist. Stop coaching people and start coaching coaches.
Teach other trainers on how to become rich and successful like you are through your blog, books, webinars, and seminars. Then host private workout sections.
Always remember to schedule your appointments accordingly and charge your real value for your time!