Business Types
St. Valentine's day tips for business

Last Minute St. Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas That Will Knock The Socks off Your Customers

Love is in the air! It’s funny how no one told me it would be there yesterday. As I woke up this morning and looked at the calendar I wasn’t happy or cheerful. I was desperate because I’ve completely forgotten about St. Valentine’s Day. Lucky for me I usually wake up a few hours before […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types
social media tips

Time For Inspiration: 5 Best Social Media Strategies To Skyrocket Your Business

Social Media is big. We toss these words around here and there without thinking, but we rarely understand what “BIG” really means. I mean, sure, there are a lot of Facebook users but “a lot” doesn’t reflect the magnitude as well as the fact that 22% of the world’s population uses it. The platform covers […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types

Millenials And Gen Z Butcher Business As We Know It: How Does One Adapt?

I’ve spent the last weekend at a friend’s. He has an amazing family with his three-year-old son being the real diamond in the rough. The kid’s amazing. At his moderately young age, he is already heads deep into technology. Max – that’s his name – is only allowed 30 minutes per day with a tablet […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Beauty & Wellness, Business Types
crazy hair styles

Weirdest Hairstyles on Pinterest That Are Pretty Cool When You Think About It

Ok, maybe sometimes I make it seem like owning a hair salon is all about business, marketing, customers and conversions but that is only because I wish for you to succeed. However, there is much more to making people happy with scissors than a pleasant, customer-specific experience. Sometimes owning a hair salon is just beyond […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types
business tips on opening new company

How To Start A Business You Don’t Have A Clue About?

People often talk about leaving their comfort zone in order to get something done. I’ve been there, I’ve done that and I can tell you with 100% clarity – it doesn’t work. Moving from one comfort zone to another that is as convenient (if not better), on the other hand, does. Yes, people need to […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types
network of SMB experts

7 SMB Experts Entrepreneurs Should Follow In 2018

What differs a failed business owner from a successful entrepreneur? The successful ones want to keep learning. Always. This is happening because, in the world of business, failure is a constant. One cannot simply win every battle faith throws at one’s face. It’s what you learn from setbacks and mistakes that makes or breaks your […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Beauty & Wellness, Business Types
email letters for salon marketing

Why Email Means The Life To A Smart Beauty Salon Owner?

You know what bothers me? How awkward it is for businesses to get their hands on a person’s email address. Asking for it just seems too sleazy, doesn’t it? I mean, it is definitely not the topic that casually comes across when one of your clients is doing her hair or nails. And yet, this […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types

What Is The Secret To A Coaching Mindset People Love To Follow?

Being a coach is tough. But should it be that way? I mean, you are busting your bottom to make people better than they already are. Shouldn’t they be welcoming the change you bring to the table? Well, here’s the thing. Wanting to become a better person/professional/athlete is one thing. Listening to how terrible you […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types
USP for business

What Is And What’s Not A Unique Selling Point Of Your Business?

You know how in every party there’s always that one guy who can’t shut up about how awesome he is? The dude literally shoves the keys from his BMW (and they always drive a BMW for some reason) into everyone’s face just to show of how luxurious his life is. Everyone hates that guy, right? […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types
amazing small business stats

15 Eye-Opening Business Stats That Will Make Your Jaw Drop Through The Floor!

Business is all about the numbers, right? But does anyone feel like actually learning them? If you do, proceed with caution as reading through some of the hottest business stats on the web may cause unexpected holes in your flooring and an unpleasant ache in your lower jaw. Small Business According to the Bureau Of […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson


Business Types
Psychology tips to increase conversions

Handy Brain Hacks That Amplify The Conversion Rate On Your Website (Part 1)

What’s 1+1? What’s 2+2? What’s 4+4? What’s 8+8? Quick, name a vegetable? It was a carrot, wasn’t it? This is a handy party trick I learned back in high school that works in 9 cases out of 10 so if your answer Bugs Bunny’s favorite treat – congrats, you really are a special snowflake!   […]

Ingvar Gudmundsson
