The Benefits of Business Planning
In the world of business, everything’s better with a plan. Of course, that’s also easier said than done for most. Oftentimes you get well ahead of yourself before you even realize it, and then you’ll be backpedaling and trying to retro-plan, which only leads to problems. Thus, it’s always best to start with a plan. […]
Custom Email Designs for Your Business Messaging with
You know you can send bulk emails to your client lists, and you know you can send reminders, review requests and “book soon” notifications. However, what you really want is the ability to send professional, attractive and engaging mail campaigns without having to do it through an external ESP (that’s an email service provider – […]
Bringing Your Brand Values to the Digital Experience
When you start your business, you start with certain aspects that define it. In the beginning, you have your concepts and ideals, and the core values at the heart of your business. These core values form the basis of the services you provide, products you sell, and experiences you give your clients. While your business […]
7 Ways Machine Learning Tools Boost Small Business Growth
If you haven’t adopted machine learning tools yet, you aren’t maximizing the potential of your business. At the end of 2018, only 9% of US firms used AI tools in their business operations. Among larger companies, almost 20% of executives had plans to use artificial intelligence tools in their companies. Smaller businesses are taking time […]
Content Ideas for Email Marketing – What should you say in your emails?
Email marketing is one of the best and easiest ways to reach your whole client list, with the least expenditure and the most significant ROI. Yet even though we know this is true, somehow, we always seem to struggle with email content ideas. What should you say? Even the most unenlightened marketing person knows that […]
Scheduling Transport with
Much like any other service, transportation services require efficient scheduling. However, scheduling transport has never really taken off as an automatic booking process. That is until recently. Innovations in the personal and professional conveyance of people and goods have become more tailored to the specifics of people’s lives. From Same day delivery to super-short term […]
How Barbers Can Efficiently Increase Home Visits
Covid-19 has resulted in lockdowns in various areas worldwide, which has caused small businesses to feel the impact. Small service providers such as barbers have especially faced difficulty. How did Covid impact barber salons? Businesses have struggled with the pandemic, but it has not wiped out all barbers. The barbers looking to expand their technology […]
Wesley Cherisien
Vaccine Appointment Scheduling with Setting up
There has never been a worldwide rollout of vaccines such as those for the COVID-19 virus. Sure, the elderly and the immunocompromised have had the flu shot every year. Children are inoculated at various points of their developing lives against old childhood diseases like Measles, Mumps, Polio, and Pertussis (whooping cough). But we have never […]
Healthcare Scheduling Software: is one of the best
With an increasing number of scheduling software providers showing up on the market, it can be challenging to make a perfect choice. If you want to implement an online booking portal, you need to get some perspective and outside opinions on the software you’re considering. Differing business sectors require very diverse functionality. This is when […]
Become an Affiliate with
Did you know that has an affiliate program? If you’re already into affiliate marketing, you already know it’s an excellent passive way to earn income by recommending products you like. If you’ve never tried it, why not become an affiliate for Who can be an affiliate? Almost anyone can become an affiliate with […]
Did Your Marketing Budget Get Cut? Try These 17 Techniques
Have you ever been in a situation where you’re ready with campaign ideas to set in motion, and right then, the company decides to slash its marketing budget? It can feel devastating. All those big plans going up in smoke. And worse, it could feel like decision-makers don’t understand how important marketing is for a […]
Meenz Nautiyal