Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
Why do you need an MVP for your mobile app?

Why do you need an MVP for your mobile app?

In today’s tech-oriented world, every modern business wants to get its own mobile application. Some use it to communicate more efficiently with their customers, others need a solution to automate internal processes and improve employees’ performance. But whatever the reason is, a mobile app can be a risky investment for any business if not approached […]

Anna Maricheva


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
7 Whiteboard Animation videos

7 Whiteboard Animation Videos to Inspire Your Next Marketing Piece

At this point, we all know the massive potential that explainer videos hold for your marketing strategy. However, it’s essential to understand that there are many different styles of explainers, each of which has been designed and optimized to suit different marketing goals. Whiteboard animation videos, in particular, have proven to be particularly effective in […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, News & Updates
conversational marketing

What Is Conversational Marketing & How Does It Boost Sales? 

Have you ever responded to the DM of a potential customer and ended up having a real-time conversation online for several minutes, which led to sales? Or has a first-time customer used a live chat button on your website to engage you in a serious conversation about the products you sell? If yes, you have done conversational […]

Chuks Chukwuemeka


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
Affiliate Marketing without a website

How to earn from Affiliate Marketing without a Website

Affiliate marketing has become one of the top choices to earn money for freelancers, full-time and part-time employees or even students in the past couple of years. And why not? It has a broad, affordable and flexible reach, and there is no limit to how much you can earn in affiliate marketing commissions. For companies, […]

Mansi Rana


December Newsletter

December Newsletter – Christmas is Coming to (with Gifts)

Can you believe it’s December already? I know I can’t. It almost feels like “whoosh”, and 2022 disappeared. However, when we look back on what we have achieved this year, it’s not hard to imagine how 12 months have gone by. They say that time flies when you are having fun, and I can definitely […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Tips, Business, Product & Tool Tips
Data Security Officers

Data Security – The Importance of Security Officers for Businesses Holding Client Data

As it was Data Security Day last week, we had a guest poster, Irina Maltseva, talking about protecting small businesses from payment fraud. However, we forget the other important aspect of data security in our businesses, and we only realise their importance when something goes wrong. I am, of course, talking about the legal and […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips

5 Reasons why the service industry needs inventory management

Inventory Management might not be the first thing that comes to mind when talking about the service industry. Even if it doesn’t have the same significance as for a retailer, how you manage it still significantly impacts your service business’s success. The reason is that the quality of your services also depends on the products/materials […]

Svea Schüler


News & Updates
appointment shopping - the future of retail, by Nick Shaw

Appointment Shopping: The Future of Retail?

As the Covid pandemic began to ease, retailers needed to reopen their stores while respecting social distancing restrictions. Many of them turned to appointment shopping, offering customers the opportunity to visit on a pre-booked, individual basis. Appointment shopping was already a thing before Covid, although it was mostly the preserve of high-end, luxury brands. Now […]

Nick Shaw


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
Contenty Strategy: Identifying and Fixing Gaps in your content.

5 Tried and Tested Approaches for Spotting and Fixing Gaps in your Content Strategy

Your business might have the most talented team of writers and social media specialists in the world. But that won’t mean much if their output doesn’t match your target audience’s wants, needs, and expectations. So, it’s essential that you’re constantly on the lookout to identify and fix gaps emerging in your content strategy.  Although no […]

Dmytro Spilka


News & Updates
Thanksgiving Celebrations from

Thanksgiving Celebration with the Family

Today is Thanksgiving in the US, but there is much we can be grateful for all over the world. So we decided to celebrate, too. I understand the meaning and the reasons for Thanksgiving in the US and Canada, but I wonder why there isn’t a global celebration of gratitude and thankfulness when we all […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
Protection from payment fraud - by Irina Maltseva

How To Protect Your Small Business From Payment Frauds

An estimated 550 million small business owners worldwide create huge employment and lifestyle opportunities. Unfortunately, small businesses are prime targets for payment fraud. In fact, according to a 2018 report by The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), small businesses rank much higher than larger corporations in payment fraud frequency (48%), and this number is […]

Irina Maltseva
