Home News & Updates 21 Best Side Business Ideas For 2023
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21 Best Side Business Ideas For 2023

Jordan Alexo
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Are you eager to start earning extra income by 2023? With the economy bouncing back, now is the perfect time to create your own side business idea.

Whether you’re looking for something part-time or full-time, plenty of options can help you supplement your income and reach financial freedom.

Unfortunately, many people need help figuring out where to begin when it comes to starting a side business. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 21 best side business ideas for 2023, so you can start turning your dreams into reality!

From online businesses to brick-and-mortar stores, these ideas will give you inspiration and guidance as you plan your venture.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready to take control of your financial future with one of these lucrative side businesses!

What Is a Side Hustle?

A side business, also known as a side hustle, is any business activity you do while maintaining your day job.

It’s an opportunity to start something new without putting all your eggs in one basket. Additionally, it can serve as a way to diversify income and reduce risk in the event of job loss or business failure.

Why Should You Consider Starting Your Own Business As a Side Hustle?

Starting your own side business is a great way to take control of your financial future. Whether you’re looking for an additional income source or hoping to reach financial independence, a business can provide opportunities for growth and success.

Let’s take a look at three reasons you should start a business:

  • Flexible Hours – Running an online business will allow you to create your schedule. You can work when and where you want, allowing you to pursue other passions or activities.
  • Unlimited Potential – As an entrepreneur, the sky’s the limit regarding potential earnings. While there is a risk of failure, the rewards for success can be significant.
  • Passive Income Stream – Once you get your business off the ground, you can generate a passive income stream. This allows you to earn money without actively working.

You have many advantages when starting a side business. At least for me, one of the essential aspects is you become independent of your job.

Nowadays, having a job or career as your primary source of income is highly unreliable. You may get laid off or downsized at any time.

With a side business, you have an additional income source that can serve as a safety net should you lose your job. 

You can also work towards slowly transitioning to full-time business ownership or self-employment if that’s what you desire.

What Is The Best Side Business To Start?

The best side business to start will depend on your goals, interests, and expertise. For example, web development might be a great match if you’re tech-savvy and have an eye for design.

If you have extensive customer service experience, starting a virtual assistant business may be the ideal choice.

When selecting a side business to help you make extra income, here are a few things you should consider:

  • What skills and experience do you have?
  • Which business model would be most profitable for you?
  • Are there any business expenses or permits required to start your business?
  • Is the business scalable and open to growth in the future?

Grab a notepad or use the Evernote app (free) to reply to the previous questions and create an action plan to turn your business idea into a reality.

21 Best Side Business Ideas

Now that you know why starting your own business is such a great idea, let’s look at some of the best side business ideas for 2023! Here are the top 21 business ideas for 2023.

1) Self-Publisher

Self-publishing is a great way to make money online passively. Amazon has a program known as Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). By enrolling in it, you can publish books on their platform.

Whenever someone buys your book on Amazon, you earn money. You can start this side business for free if you write English well. Or, you can pay someone to write a book about any topic you want. The best part is that Amazon will do most of the advertising for your books.

Amazon already receives millions of visitors daily, so you don’t have to worry about getting your book out there.

2) Online Course Creator

Creating online courses is another business idea that’s gaining traction. By teaching people online, you can create a passive income stream without leaving the comfort of your home.

There are several platforms for hosting online courses, such as:

Depending on your platform, there will be different costs associated with creating and hosting the course.

The upside is that you can charge whatever price you’d like for your courses, providing great potential for lucrative business ideas.

3) Freelance Writer

Freelance writing is a very lucrative business as it requires minimal upfront costs. Professional writers can make up to $50 per hour, depending on the project and their experience level.

You can write for blogs, books, magazines, business owners, or even the local newspaper. Plus, there are plenty of websites that connect freelance writers with potential clients.

These potential side business ideas are perfect for you if you’re an experienced writer and have a knack for creating compelling content.

4) Cleaning Business

Cleaning services are always in high demand, especially if you focus on a particular type of cleaning, such as residential or commercial.

You can start by researching which licenses and permits you need to operate legally and purchasing the necessary equipment. You should also create marketing materials and network with potential clients.

Building a website and creating an online presence is crucial for gaining customers. You’ll need to be reliable and provide a consistently good service to build your client base.

If you have the skills and motivation, this could be a profitable business!

5) Virtual Assistant

Starting a virtual assistant business is an excellent side business option if you’re a great organizer and have excellent customer service skills.

As a virtual assistant, you can help small businesses manage their day-to-day activities, such as scheduling appointments, managing emails, and creating content.

You can set your hours and be paid per project or hourly, depending on the client’s needs.

Plus, there are plenty of websites that offer virtual assistant gigs to help you get started. For instance:

Choose one of these platforms and start your own virtual assistant business today!

6) Wedding Planning Business

Starting a wedding planning business could be your perfect side business if you’re a great organizer and have a flamboyant personality.

Organizing weddings can involve anything from finding the perfect venue to booking catering services. You can offer your clients whatever assistance they need to plan their dream wedding.

The best part is that you can start a wedding planning business with minimal upfront costs. You may build a website where you show off your work and find potential clients.

Once you start getting clients, the sky’s the limit! Plus, it’s a gratifying job as you help couples plan their special day.

7) Dog Walking Business

If you love animals and have a few hours to spare during the day, starting a dog-walking business could be your perfect side hustle.

Not only is dog walking an enjoyable activity, but it can also provide some extra income. You can charge anywhere from $15 – $30 per hour, depending on your services. Furthermore, you can even offer additional services like pet sitting, doggy daycare, and more.

You’ll need a reliable transportation method for your business and handle all the legal paperwork.

Once everything is in order, you can start connecting with local dog owners and offering your services. There are plenty of websites that can help you find clients and even advertise your business.

So, if you’re passionate about animals and have a few hours to spare in the day, this could be the perfect side hustle for you!

8) Personal Trainer

If you’re passionate about fitness and have an eye for helping others achieve their goals, starting a personal trainer business can help you combine your passions.

You can offer your clients personalized fitness plans, nutrition advice, and group classes. You can charge per session or by the hour, depending on the client’s needs.

You’ll need to get certified by a reputable organization, such as the American Council on Exercise (ACE) or the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

Certification will give your clients peace of mind knowing that you are experienced and qualified in what you do.

Once certified, you can start promoting your services and connecting with potential clients. Building a website is also a great way to market yourself and showcase your credentials.

So, if you’re passionate about fitness and have the knowledge to help others achieve their goals, this could be an ideal side business. Good luck!

9) YouTube Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular side business ideas out there.

It involves promoting other companies’ products or services in exchange for a commission when someone purchases through your link. You can promote products on social media, blogs, websites, and more.

The great part is you can promote affiliate offers through YouTube. You can make videos reviewing software and apps. Or with physical products, you can unpack them, demo them and give your honest opinion.

You’ll need to create content that resonates with your audience, but it’s a great way to make extra money in your spare time.

Here are the best platforms to get started:

  • Clickbank: You can find a wide selection of digital products, such as online courses, memberships, e-books, etc.
  • Amazon Associates: This program allows you to promote refrigerators, microphones, and other physical products from Amazon as an affiliate.
  • ShareaSale: You can promote many digital products, such as online courses and software.

So, if you want to make more money without needing to create your products, freely use YouTube! Affiliate marketing is a great side business idea to pursue.

Start small and work your way up, and you’ll be able to make good money through affiliate marketing. Good luck!

10) Online Dating Consultant

If you’re a social media expert and know what makes people tick, becoming an online dating consultant may be your perfect hustle idea.

You can help singles find love by teaching them techniques to improve their online dating profiles, advising on handling different situations, and even providing virtual dating coaching services.

To get started, you’ll need to build your website and create an impressive portfolio that shows your experience and skills. You can also advertise on social media platforms or connect with singles offline through meetup groups.

You can set your rates depending on the services you provide, so there are plenty of ways to maximize your income.

So, if you have the knowledge and skills to help singles find love, this could be a great side business for you!

11) Social Media Manager

If you’re good at social media and creating content people like, you could become a social media manager. This is a job where you help people with their social media.

You can help businesses grow their online presence by handling everything from creating posts to monitoring comments and responding to messages. You can charge per hour or create packages that offer services such as making monthly content calendars, tracking analytics, etc.

To get started, create a portfolio of your work so potential clients can see what you’re capable of. You should also create accounts on popular social media platforms where you can demonstrate your expertise.

Social media management is an ever-evolving industry, so staying up-to-date with the latest trends is vital!

So, if you’re passionate about social media and have the skills to help businesses grow their online presence, this could be a great side business for you.

12) E-commerce Store

Why not create an eCommerce store if you’re looking for an easy way to start your own online store?

You can sell physical or digital products such as apparel, electronics, art and crafts, subscription boxes, or anything else that customers are willing to buy.

With a dropshipping model, you can have products shipped to customers directly from a third-party supplier, meaning that you don’t have to store inventory.

You will need a website, payment gateway, and marketing materials. You should also research the best eCommerce platforms to make your store user-friendly and look professional.

Here are three great eCommerce store builders:

So, if you have the skills to create a great eCommerce store that offers products people want to buy, this could be a great side business idea for you.

13) Food Truck Business

If you are passionate about food and cooking, why not take it to the streets with a food truck business? This is a great side business for foodies who want to experiment with different cuisines and dishes.

You can start by deciding what type of cuisine you’d like to serve and researching which licenses, permits, and permits you need. You’ll also need to find a suitable location for your truck and secure financing to purchase the vehicle, equipment, and ingredients.

It would be best to consider ways to make your food stand out from the competition and create a unique customer experience.

Starting your own small business is a great way to make some extra money, but it will require you to work hard and be dedicated.

14) Photography Business

Do you enjoy taking pictures? Then, why not start a photography business? You can specialize in a particular type of photography, such as weddings, headshots, product shots, or landscape photos.

You’ll need to invest in the right equipment and create a portfolio of your work. You should also consider ways to package and price your services so you can make a decent profit.

Marketing is also vital, so create social media accounts and a website to showcase your work. You should also network at events and build relationships with potential clients. Another way to sell your photos is as stock images on sites like iStockPhoto or Adobe Stock.

So, if you have an eye for photography and the skills to create stunning visuals that people will love, this could be a great side business idea for you.

15) Event Planning Business

Do you love planning parties and events? If so, why not start your own event-planning business?

You can offer several services, from venue finding and decorating to catering and entertainment. You should also consider the type of events you want to specialize in – such as weddings, corporate events, or birthday parties.

You’ll need to create a portfolio of your work, establish good relationships with suppliers, learn how to manage budgets effectively, and market your services.

Event planning is a great side business because it’s something you can do on the go and has enormous growth potential. So, if this sounds like your cup of tea, why not try it?

16) Handyman Services

Handyman services are always in demand—especially during the summer when people are doing home improvement projects. This could be a great side business if you’re handy with tools and have a vehicle.

You can offer general repair services such as carpentry, plumbing, painting, and electrical installation. Perhaps you can also specialize in specific appliance repairs or lawn care services.

You will need to buy essential tools and materials and secure the necessary licenses and permits. You should also consider taking some courses in business management to help you run your business efficiently. Adopting industry-specific software tools is also wise to thrive in this niche. Thankfully you can find software for painters and other contractors in this sphere to streamline your operations significantly.

So, if you’re looking for a flexible side business that doesn’t require many resources or expensive equipment, this could be an ideal option.

17) Audiobook Narrator

Do you have a great voice? If so, why not turn it into a side business by narrating audiobooks? You can start by researching which equipment you need and familiarizing yourself with different recording software.

You also have platforms where you can find work as a narrator. This includes:

Several authors are looking for someone to narrate their books on these platforms. You can send them an audition; if they like your voice, you could get the job.

Audiobook narrating is a great way to make extra cash with your voice. So, why not give it a try?

18) Consulting Business

Do you have years of experience in a particular field or industry? If so, consider becoming a consultant. You can start by researching which licenses and permits you need to operate legally and create a website to showcase your services.

You should also create marketing materials such as business cards and brochures to grow your new business. Networking is also essential, so attend events and develop relationships with potential clients.

Consulting is an excellent way to use your expertise to make extra cash. So, why not give it a try?

19) Translation Services Business

Do you have language skills? If so, you could start a translation business offering services in different languages.

The most important steps include researching to ensure you have all the necessary permits and licenses required by law. Furthermore, create an eye-catching website where potential customers can learn about your services and offerings.

You can also offer your services on Upwork or Fiverr. As your business grows, you can start networking and attend language events to meet potential clients.

Translation services can be lucrative and flexible, so it’s worth trying.

20) SEO Agency

SEO is one of the most well-paid services online. You constantly have bloggers and business owners looking for an expert to help them grow their online presence.

So, why not start your SEO agency?

You can offer keyword optimization, content creation, link building, and social media management services. You should also research the current trends and tools used in the industry.

Create a website to showcase your services to your potential clients. Furthermore, you can improve your website and add a blog section with exciting information. If you do this, people will start coming to your website from Google.

You can also build a YouTube channel to show people your skills. On your channel, you can make videos with advice and tips about SEO.

So, if you have the skills and know-how, this could be your right side business idea!

21)  App Developer

Are you tech-savvy? If so, why not become an app developer? You can start by researching which programming language is best for you.

It would be best if you also familiarized yourself with Google Apps Store. It’s one of the most popular app stores online, and you can later publish your app on Google’s marketplace.

To grow your business, you can focus on online marketing and networking. You have many video tutorials on YouTube and Udemy courses to help you get started.

App development is excellent for making extra cash with your tech skills. So, why not give it a try?

Last Thoughts

Starting a side business in 2023 is easier than ever! With the rise of digital technology, entrepreneurs have plenty of opportunities to start their businesses.

Whether you want to become an audiobook narrator or offer SEO services, these 21 ideas will help get you started.

All it takes is research and dedication – your new venture could be up and running quickly. So why not take the plunge today? Good luck on your journey toward success!

Guest Author Bio: Jordan Alexo

Jordan Alexo is a digital marketer who’s been making money online since 2011. He specializes in self-publishing, content creation and teaching others how to do the same thing he does best! He inspires you on his website with strategies that have worked for him and product reviews that help you grow your online business.

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