Home Business, Product & Tool Tips Adding Pages to Your Booking Website – Knowledge is power & clients want it
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Adding Pages to Your Booking Website – Knowledge is power & clients want it

Amie Parnaby
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Adding Pages to your Booking Website

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Suppose you want to build a website for your business, whatever that business is. In that case, you don’t simply add the functional pages and expect to engage clients or customers. If you do, you’ll be in for a bit of a shock. Adding pages to any e-commerce or booking website is crucial to engaging your clients and customers.

If you already have a website that has developed and grown with your business over the years, this article is probably not for you. 

However, if you are looking at investing in a website for your service business and want online booking availability, SimplyBook.me could solve both requirements. 

Importance of Booking Website Structure 

Not a single service I have booked or product I have bought has only had the purchasing or booking pages. If I saw a website like that, I would click away pronto because I wouldn’t trust that the company was interested in the client at all. 

There lies the crux of the matter. Adding pages of information to a website is all about the customer because they are the ones you wish to engage. However, by providing additional information on your booking website or sales hub, you are also helping your business to attract the right clients and customers.

At SimplyBook.me, we know this is the case. That’s why our templates all have a homepage before getting to all the booking details. However, we also understand that each business has different preferences regarding the information they want or need to provide to their clients.

Understanding The Modern Client

Who is the ‘Modern Client’? It would be best to remember some crucial things about the modern client and how they want to interact with you. 

Online booking and purchasing is no longer a “new” thing. The past 25 years have been a steep learning curve. Still, they have also been the most significant distribution of information and knowledge in human history. Moreover, people have learned how to do their research.

Online patrons are also more discerning and wary of unscrupulous traders and online service providers. They know to hunt for reviews and testimonials, delivery times, refund procedures, and much more, all the way to security certificates and online payment protection. If your primary online presence, i.e. your booking website, lacks these things, the savvy client will click the next option.

So, understanding your clients becomes the principal way you will decide which pages you will need to add to your booking website. 

So, if the Modern Client is :

  • Web Savvy
  • Informed
  • Wary
  • Security-Conscious
  • Research-Driven
  • Protective of their data

What should you include on your website? 

Information, Information, Information

The more information you furnish your future patrons with, the more likely they will trust you. And the more they trust you, the more likely they will do business with you.

It’s a simple equation.

Even when competing with companies with better prices, information and trust can beat the lowest price.

So, what information is important for visitors to your booking website?

Business Information

Your customers need to know about your business, and they need to know about you too. 

So, aside from the standard business details such as contact info and operating hours, what do you want to say about yourself?

Adding an About Us/Company Story page is a great way to talk about your business and what you have to offer your clients and customers. However, it’s a fantastic way to talk about your desire to help clients, your motivations, and how you’re developing the business.

Additionally, a Blog or News page will allow you to build a relationship with your clients. Keeping customers up to date with business and industry news, 

You might not have many questions or queries about your service when you first start up. However, once you’ve been in business for a while, you will have a good list of regular queries you can address with an FAQ page. 

Client self-service is becoming more prevalent because clients want to research what they need. They don’t want to call or wait for an email response to get their answers. Having pages to inform and educate your clients about your services and products is crucial to giving them the power they need. 

Operating Policies

What policies do you have in place? I’m talking about measures to safeguard your revenues, staff, business and client data and show your clients that you have procedures in place to allow them to feel “safe” in your hands. Where do you put all of that information?

Terms & Conditions and Cancellation policies give your client a safety guideline. It means your clients know what to expect of you and what you require of them.

Security Measures

Online security is a big thing for many web-savvy people. People reject cookie usage and guard their online privacy with incognito mode on their browsers. If you can reassure your customers and clients that your process and procedures have their security at the forefront, you will have their trust.

Choosing the right (and recognised) payment processors is one step. Adding a Privacy Policy on your booking website wChoosing the right (and recognised) payment processors is one step. Adding a Privacy Policy on your booking website will help alleviate any fears clients might have over the use of their data.

Several security features within the Simplybook.me system allow you to protect any collected data. Including the elements utilised to keep your client’s data safe on your privacy page will complete the picture for concerned clients.

Proof of Performance

You can’t get away from this part of your website. You can’t guarantee that people will look elsewhere for proof of your

You can’t get away from this part of your website. You can’t guarantee that people will look elsewhere for proof of your suitability. Hence, you have to shout about your performance on your own booking website. Ensuring that you have reviews and testimonials from happy clients – and even the unhappy ones – shows how you attract positive feedback and deal with the negative responses.

Another evidence-based page you might want to add is a Gallery or even Instagram Photo-sharingThere’s nothing quite as compelling as ‘before and after’ examples or a case study for a prolonged client journey. 

Adding Pages to SimplyBook.me Booking Websites

With the Custom page feature, you can add more pages to your website with fully customisable content. You can re-order all booking site pages in the main menu, hide menu items, and add custom links to the main menu.

Having your booking website filled with quality content and professional images increases the chances of potential clients finding and booking your services.

  • Add a news page where you post updates about your business or the industry to show potential clients that your website is up to date and you’re following the latest trends.
  • Write blogs to show your expertise in the field.
  • Add an “About Us” page with general descriptions and images of you, your services, workplace, and employees.
  • Create a FAQ page with common questions about your business or a page showing your YouTube videos…

The ideas are endless! So go wild in customising your perfect booking website. Having an excellent website will increase the chances of new visitors booking your services instead of with your competitors! To find out more about this custom feature, please check our Help Centre.

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