Security Announcement

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Some scrupulous individuals are phishing users with an email, pretending to be and driving them to a fraud site to steal their information.
The fake domain: (THIS IS NOT OUR DOMAIN)
The fraudulent email message is:

We urge you to NOT click on links in this email and NOT visit the domain!!
If yo have clicked on this link and not logged in, you should be fine. If however you have clicked this link and logged in, you may have given potential hackers an access to your real account. Please go immediately to your real account, and change your login information. If you have used the same information on any other site please urgently change it there.
If you gave your credit card information after logging in on this phishing site, please contact your bank and cancel your card immediately.
IMPORTANT: In the case you have logged into this phishing site (, you need to look at it as though as your real account has been breached. The attackers can log into your real account with the information you gave them, and get hold of all your client details. In this case you may be obliged to contact all your clients according to Privacy laws and regulations in your country, and notify them about the potential breach. If you were using 2FA (double authentication) then the attackers have probably not been able to breach into your real account (unless you were asked to give this information on the phishing site).
We urge you to activate the 2FA (double authentication) free custom feature that offers all users. This makes it much harder for anyone to breach into your account.
If you have any questions, please contact us at and we will try to assist you.
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