How To Really Use Chatbots For Business (Examples)
I had a quarrel with a coffee maker today. What a time to be alive, eh? To make a long story short I am an absolute coffee addict and a few friends gave me a fancy new smart coffee machine for my last birthday. The coffee devil – that’s how I lovingly call the machine […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
The #Musthave Big Guns In Your Email Marketing Toolbox
Is good old email marketing still a valid strategy in 2018 with all the social media, influencer marketing and content value buzz going on? The short answer – yes. The long answer includes a lot of facts like the ones listed below that also lead to the short answer – yes. Email is the 3d […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
Bitcoin And Your Online Booking System: Yay or Nay?
Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now. They rise in price overnight, they fall from grace even faster, and yet they’ve managed to create an insanely complex market people LOVE to be a part of. Should you do the same? Is there a need for you to integrate Bitcoin payment functionality into your online booking […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
Why YOU Need To Write A Book Right Now To Boost Your Booking List?
As a wise man once said – do it. Just do it. Don’t let your dreams be dreams! Ok, all jokes aside, do it – write your own book and it will bring a steady stream of clients to book your services. “If only it was that simple”, you say? “It is, it really […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
How To Fill Your Booking Calendar With Paying Customers: 3 Easy Tips
Just admit it – you want your booking schedule filled to the rim. We all do. That’s the point we went into business in the first place. Alas, your wish is not enough. You still need to invest a lot of work and dedication before you succeed. Or do you? Is good work all it […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
3 Business Tips SimplyBook.Me Users Wish They Knew Earlier
The road of entrepreneurship is not a great fit for all. Not everyone is capable of making mistake after mistake with a smile and an unquestionable belief that all of the hard work is destined to pay off big time later on. Yes, some mistakes are unavoidable. That noted I firmly believe that with a […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
Beauty Salon Trends You Need To Follow Today More Than Ever
Hair and beauty salons are a business of innovation given how dependent their work is on the latest trends of the ever-shifting fashion industry. Or so we believe. The reality may strike you with an unexpected twist – beauty salons are among the most conformist businesses of them. This happens because the lion’s share of […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
The 7 P’s Of A Flourishing Coaching Career
Why are you in the coaching business? For the fame, the money, the chance to make people’s lives better? Given your career choice the odds are that you are in for the latter but, in reality, does it matter? Whatever your objective may be, a full appointment book is a necessity as it will provide […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
7 Impressive Landing Page Optimization Tricks Destined To Skyrocket Conversions
We’ve talked a lot about the importance of a decent social media strategy, the impact email marketing has on your business and we’ve even covered the basics of a solid USP and core strategies. All of them are designed to do 1 thing and 1 thing alone – bring people to your website. However, what […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
Are Chatbots The New Black Of Business In 2018?
Maybe it is not only orange that is the new black! Did you know that 59% of Americans firmly believe that customer service is enhanced via social media channels? Facebook business page admins answer faster than customer support departments, contact forms or email submissions. People requiring faster, better service have a point and those businesses […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson
Make A Name For Yourself: Brilliant Examples Of Memorable Small Business Branding
Think outside the box, they say. Easier said than done, I reply. The human mind is not programmed to work that way. We’ve evolved thanks to the ability to locate patterns. Cause and effect are the bread and butter of our society. We just are not made for thinking outside the box as a species. […]
Ingvar Gudmundsson