Business Types, Medical & Healthcare
Vaccine scheduling

COVID-19 Testing & Vaccine Scheduling: Living and Working in a Pandemic

Great News! As of January 2021, several COVID-19 vaccination options are available for the pandemic that has swept the world. Furthermore, there are still those in development that could prove even more effective. Now for the bad news. The COVID-19 virus will remain with us for a significant time to come. We will have to […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Medical & Healthcare, Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
data protection

Increased Data Protection Measures by Mobile Healthcare Apps in the Face of Increasing Security Threats

Like every other field, the medical industry has advanced significantly in the past few years. Health professionals are working towards improving the experience for both frontline healthcare workers and the patients. Most of the work is now shifting to the digital landscape, and data protection is crucial. You must have noticed people around you wearing smartwatches […]

Nouman Ali


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips, Business Types Custom Features Custom Features: The Top 6…

…and a few you might want to try If personalisation is the name of the game between you and your clients, why wouldn’t the same apply for you? No two businesses operate identically. Consequently, a one-size-fits-all approach to any business management tool is not appropriate or even viable for how you run your business. You […]

Amie Parnaby


new year newsletter

January Newsletter – New Year, New Plans, New Ideas

January 2021, what does it mean to us? 2020 took a lot away from us; it destroyed businesses, eliminated jobs, and took our social interaction to the bare minimum. January is a new month, a new year, and maybe even a new decade – depending on how you count these things – and we are […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Medical & Healthcare
Medical trends 2021

Medical Trends in 2021 – Testing, Treating, Vaccinating & Predicting Healthcare

Medical testing, vaccinations, and overall healthcare have developed in leaps and bounds this past year. Necessity might be the mother of invention, but the innovations influenced by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic will be here with us for the long haul and will drive further development in the future. 2021 will see the widespread roll-out of […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
Live vide streaming for online marketing

How to Use Live Video Streaming for Online Marketing

Live Video streaming became ridiculously popular in 2020, and that trend will continue throughout 2021 and beyond. It might seem a little scary to start with, but it is worth exploring for the potential benefits of increased reach and authenticity. Online Marketing: Today, online marketing is taking over the digital business world. There are so […]

Sheikh Adil


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tool Tips
Facebook Strategy Improvements

How to Improve Your Facebook Strategy Today

There’s no getting away from the fact that Facebook, with its 2.6 billion active users, is the biggest social media platform out there. Even if you use every other social media, Facebook has to be your social media flagship. The past year has seen a massive increase in social media engagement and social sharing, but […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Beauty & Wellness
beauty trends of 2021

Self-Care & Beauty Trends of 2021 – Developing Trends for Salon Businesses

If ever a year was so spectacularly influenced by its predecessor, it’s 2021. It’s true for many industries and sectors. However, the trends initiated in 2020, and the circumstances of last year will directly impact the self-care and beauty trends of 2021. We can’t avoid the fact that 2020 affected the beauty industry globally. Statista predicts that […]

Amie Parnaby


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tool Tips
marketing on a tight budget

How to Market Your Business on a Small Budget

If you want consumers to notice your company and buy your products, you have to reach out to them and tell them all about your products and services. This is marketing in its most basic form. Marketing requires three things; time, effort and money. For big conglomerates and multinationals, this is not an issue because […]

Jamal Khan


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips, Tips, Tool Tips
marketing tools in

How to Use the Marketing Tools for your Strategy Overhaul

It’s the beginning of the year, and January is traditionally a slow time of year. Beyond traditionally slow periods, there are still many places under lockdown restrictions. Right now, it’s the best time to make sure you’re getting the most out of your system, and overhaul your marketing strategy. The marketing tools within the […]

Amie Parnaby


Business Types, Education, Teaching & Training
Educational trends in 2021

Educational Trends & Self Improvement for 2021

The world changed significantly in 2020, and children, school-leavers, employees, and employers have to approach education and training in different ways to seek optimal results. The educational trends of 2021 will see adults and teenagers choosing alternative pathways to knowledge and skills, while training and education institutions will need to make adjustments to their course […]

Amie Parnaby
