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Customer Support – Your contact with SimplyBook.me

Amie Parnaby
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Customer Support Leader Interview

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This week we had a short interview with Thomas, our head of customer support at SimplyBook.me. He’s the one that manages a team of support agents who will answer your questions on the Live Chat function.

“Hello, nice to meet you all! I’m Thomas, Head of Support at SimplyBook.me”

What career path brought you to the role ‘Head of Support’?

I started as a Support Representative a year and a half ago and was trying to do my best to help clients and four months ago I became Head of Support.

What does “Customer Centricity” mean to you, and how do you implement it?

The easiest way to explain it would be to think about customer service we have faced personally, especially with online services, and to do our best to avoid any possible mistakes that may happen.

What about your role with SimplyBook.me gives you an incredible buzz?

Every feedback that we receive no matter positive or negative is a source of new ideas but of course, it feels sooo good to have positive feedback.
It is always a reason to go the extra mile.

What do you love most about customer & client support?

Well, most of all I love to see how our customers become successful and how we can help them with it. Sometimes it is just an ordinary option in our system that is used a lot but for some clients, it may be something really helpful.

How do you build a great customer support team?

Well, it’s all about people and their attitude. Our goal is to build teams that will consist of professionals who will understand the product well, our customers’ needs, and become a powerful tool that will allow customers to achieve their goals.

Taking Customer Support to the Next Level

Since Thomas became head of support, four months ago he’s been making some changes to really make the support team a strong unit. Helping them to gain the skills to help clients achieve what they need to with the SimplyBook.me scheduling system.

We know that he takes this role seriously and has a real love of providing the best customer service possible because our support agents have been receiving some amazing feedback from customers they have assisted.

It’s a fantastic feat to manage and bring together a customer support team at the best of times. That Thomas has achieved this while the entire team has been working remotely in these ‘interesting times’, is a credit to his dedication to making his group an excellent customer supporting unit.

“Every feedback that we receive, no matter positive or negative, is a source of new ideas”

Reaching for Customer-Centricity

The core of customer-centricity is to put the customer at the heart of the business. Every change and development happens with benefit to the customer first. Consequently, everything that Thomas and his customer support team learn is data to support the customer-centric business model.

Like many customer focussed businesses, genuine customer-centricity is our ultimate goal. However, until we have a product that is so intuitive a toddler could do it without help, we can be safe in the knowledge that Thomas is running a superbly tight customer service ship.

NB Just for fun, we asked Thomas: “If you can only keep one out of books, TV, or movies, which would it be?”

After some deliberation between books and movies, movies won!

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