Home Business, Product & Tool Tips Mobile Admin App for SimplyBook.me [VIDEO]
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Mobile Admin App for SimplyBook.me [VIDEO]

Ingvar Gudmundsson
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Mobile admin app

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Have you downloaded the new mobile admin app for iOS or Android yet? Check out the video to learn more.

The full releases for both Apple and Android devices have been available for a week, please find a link to both apps at the end of this blog. Before the full release, we released the beta versions for feedback and bug finding. After fixing the bugs and evaluating your feedback, we were ready. 

Get your notifications

Whenever your booking system receives a new booking, booking change or cancellation, you will receive a notification. Even when you aren’t actively on the app, or it’s just chugging away in the background of your phone or tablet, you will still receive the notifications that will let you know about changes to your schedule.

Add New Clients 

Client lists are important. When you need to keep on top of client data, and changes, having on the go access to that critical data is vital to running your business effectively. 

Make Appointments and Adjustments 

You have mobile access to all of your calendars. No one said that every one of your clients would book online. The chances are that at least a few of your customers will want to call or email you to ask questions before they make an appointment. You don’t want to carry around a bulky appointment book, so being able to book on your mobile device is a key component of the mobile admin app.

Not Just for the Admin Staff

When you have multiple staff and different calendars and schedules, it’s essential to make sure that they can organise their appointments. Sure you can still get all of the notifications to let you know how your business is doing, but you don’t need to babysit every provider and every service schedule.

Just like user access to the admin panel, each member of your team can have role-appropriate access and can download the right app for their mobile. They will log in with the same details as they use for the desktop admin user interface. 

Security is Paramount

Keep your data secure while you are carrying it around with you. Unlike an appointment ledger that can get left on the tube, fall in a puddle or any other manner of loss or destruction, all of your information on the app is stored somewhere else, and even if you drop your phone in the river, it’s not the end of the world.

While your schedule, client and business data stay safe on a server, your access to them can be restricted by specific circumstances. No one wants to be known as the service provider, dentist or doctor that let client or patient data get out.

If you have secure access to your phone or tablet, whether that’s a fingerprint, passcode, random shape, or even facial recognition, you can keep your app logged in at all times. If you require medical-grade security and have the HIPAA feature enabled, you will need to sign-in every time. 

Patient security is essential if you want to keep your license!

Give it a try! 

You can’t truly get to grips with the mobile admin app until you have used it. We can tell you all about it, and show you slides and images, but will not learn to love this app until you’ve used it to make your business run more smoothly. 

You can search for the mobile admin app on the App Store or Google Play. Alternatively, you can click on the links from your desktop admin interface, and it will ask you where you want to install it.

We want to hear about how the app is performing for you, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch to let us know.

Here are the links to the iOS and Android apps:

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