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Lessons from The Reflect Festival in Limassol

Amie Parnaby
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Reflect Festival 2021

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Last weekend (well, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday), some of us from the Cyprus office attended the Reflect Festival in Limassol. It’s an event that brings together developers, investors, students, and technologists from over twenty countries to talk about the progression of technology. With presenters from industries ranging from fintech and payments to education, environmental sustainability and the future of work, there is something for everyone with their eye on the development of their industry.

Given the scope of business provision SimplyBook.me provides, the Reflect Festival promised to be an informative and inspiring peek into the future of technology.

Reflect Festival had Three Stages – How Could I See Everything?

There were three stages of presentations, panel discussions, and advice from some of the biggest names in finance, technology and business. This meant it would be a busy few days, dashing from one stage to the next to catch the best and most diverse mix of information I could gather. 

As your friendly neighbourhood content writer, every subject is grist to my mill and of interest to all of you. Okay, not everything will work for all of you, but everything will be of interest to some of you. 

Preparing for the Future – It’s Tomorrow

While your business may or may not have a ten-year plan, it pays to be aware of upcoming developments. It might not even be “new” tech that you need to keep up with. Ten years ago, online self-scheduling was in its infancy. Few people knew about booking online, and even fewer considered it a necessity. Now, online self-booking could mean the difference between a client booking with your business or not. 

New technologies that pop up, and might seem to be a novelty, could be the convenience your clients demand in the next five to ten years. Failure to plan for that eventuality might be the point of failure for your business when your competitors do think ahead.

I’ve learned some compelling and crucial info on how your payments might be made and how you and your colleagues might be working in the future. It’s enlightening and maybe a little bit scary to think about what might be coming in the next five to fifteen years. But think back five years, it really wasn’t that long ago, and consider the changes that have occurred in that time. So much has happened, and were you ready for it all?

No, me neither.

Stay in Touch for Some Invaluable Lessons from the Reflect Festival.

I could write about everything here in one article, but I understand time constraints and attention spans. In the coming weeks, I’ll share some (and maybe all) of the fabulous information I learned from the Reflect Festival and how it could help you in your businesses.

How technological advances can help remove barriers to learning, and the future of banking, payments, and currency. What makes a good entrepreneur (from some big names in VC), and how to combat the feeling of not being good enough when starting your own business. How to be a good “green” company, and how greenwashing has invaded the business space. Sustainability is important to everyone, but more so to millennial customers and younger ones – they are going to be your primary clients.

I could go on, but I’ll leave a few topics as a surprise. It’s all here and waiting for me to transcribe my notes. I do hope you come back for it.

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