Home Business Types Learn what the CrossFit business model is and add more value to your gym
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Learn what the CrossFit business model is and add more value to your gym

Amie Parnaby
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If you are starting a CrossFit business model or intend to start one, this content was made especially for you.

But after all, how does this business model work, and what do you have to do to set up your CrossFit box?

First, we need to understand how the management part of the CrossFit box works so that we can delve even deeper into other important factors for the creation of this business model:

the CrossFit equipment and accessories you need to have in your gym, as well as the requirements to be able to fit your business into the CrossFit model.

Create a business plan

A business plan is nothing more than the strategy and goals you want to achieve in your business, in this case, the CrossFit Box.

Basically, you will present the company’s marketing planning, as well as financial planning and business expectations based on investments and so on.

Another important point that must be taken into consideration when creating your business plan is to inform how many professionals you will need and how many clients you plan to reach in a certain period of time.

Why is having a Business Plan so important?

The CrossFit brand bets on other companies that it believes can succeed as its partners, but for that, it needs to understand who you are.

Therefore, we recommend that you make a very well-prepared Business Plan before contacting the company, which should be concise but precise in the information presented.

We also recommend you check out the business plan template for CrossFit, which can be very helpful at this stage!

How can the CrossFit Business Model add value to your business?

To understand the importance of the Crossfit model, it is necessary to understand that we are talking Fabout an internationally known brand that has more than 40 thousand practitioners in Brazil.

It may not seem like much, but when we look at the growth and consistency that CrossFit has taken in gyms, we realize an interesting point:

Crossfit is not just any training modality but a lifestyle that is being embraced by a growing number of practitioners.

Just to give you an idea of the growth of this sport, in the last six years, between 2013 and 2019, the growth of CrossFit was 5,900%, meaning that this is a sport that is becoming very popular.

How to fit your business into the CrossFit model?

Now that you know what a business plan for CrossFit is and how it can be advantageous, we will show you how to frame your business within the model established by CrossFit. That is, we will see what are the necessary requirements for this implementation.

There are very important rules that need to be followed before starting this transition process, and if they are not followed, they can cause many problems.

It is necessary to follow the requirements very carefully because failure to do so can even lead to lawsuits.

That said, let’s then get to know the main requirements required by CrossFit.

– Membership and licenses

It is important to be up to date and obtain all licenses offered by CrossFit and the consumer customer safety/health agencies.

To obtain a license or affiliation with CrossFit, you must pay an annual membership fee of $3000 and also have Level 1 certification with the company.

Regarding health licenses, the main one is related to the safety and hygiene of the space, where the establishment needs to be fit by the Health Surveillance and, of course, obtain the governmental permit certifying that the company is allowed to operate as a gym.

– Adequacy of the infrastructure

The second step to allow your gym to become a successful CrossFit Box is to adapt your infrastructure to meet this new demand.

For this to happen, it will be necessary to acquire the necessary equipment for the practice of the modality, as well as to review the conventional items offered in the gym.

For example, you can remove the electric treadmills that take up too much space in the place and replace them with Rigs and Racks, a piece of equipment widely used in Cross practice.

Now, if you are still in the process of choosing a location to set up your gym, our tip is for you to make a detailed geographical plan of the site. In other words, look for a place with a large movement of people, and that is close to your potential customers.

– Certified Trainers

The choice of trainers is undoubtedly an essential point. Make sure that the professionals who will work in your academy are qualified and certified professionals. In order to practice CrossFit, professionals must have the appropriate professional training, such as a level 1 license for example.

Professional coaches must also follow CrossFit guidelines and obtain certification provided by the company to hold the position.

“How much does it cost to get this certification?”

The fee to acquire certification in CrossFit is $1000 for each trainer your company hires.

What are the main CrossFit tools you need to have?

Now that you know what the main requirements are and what you need to do to adapt your company to the CrossFit business model, let’s get to know the main equipment.

Here are the main materials that you should invest in your gym for CrossFit practice:

  • KettleBells
  • Olympic bars for LPO
  • Jump Box
  • Olympic Rings
  • Strings
  • Wall Ball
  • Rigs and Racks

Finally, if you want to set up a box or if you already have one, we recommend that you offer a scheduling app for your clients to book CrossFit classes – this will help a lot in optimizing and managing your box.

We hope this article was useful to you, don’t forget to share it with your friends who may also benefit from our content.

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