April Newsletter – Marketing and Loyalty
So what’s happening in the April Newsletter? We have improvements to the loyalty system, and a new way of marketing your booking website – that’s just what happen in April. April is over, and May is already off to a good start. Unless you missed it, we had Easter in April, and it was a […]
March Newsletter: News and Updates from SimplyBook.me
The sun is shining, and spring has finally decided to make its comeback to Cyprus, and the home base of SimplyBook.me. For the March newsletter, despite upheavals for some colleagues over the past month, we’ve still got some great developments for the SimplyBook.me system. The headcount has grown in the Cyprus office, with migrating and […]
February Newsletter: Continuous Development & Responding to User Feedback
Wow! What a February. While we have a few cool updates to the Simplybook.me system, nothing compares to the events surrounding the conflict in Eastern Europe that have erupted at the end of the month. While we all hope for a peaceful resolution and an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, all we […]
January Newsletter – Loyalty is important
Did everyone have a great New Year? How can January be over already? Now that the Christmas lull is over and we are well into a prosperous 2022, it’s time to step up the SimplyBook.me development machine. We’ve had a steady approach to January 2022, and we can see things will get better for most […]
December Newsletter – A 2021 Round-up and Plans for 2022
As another year comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on the past twelve months of 2021 and look forward to what the new year, 2022, has in store for us. Here at SimplyBook.me, it’s been an exciting and prosperous year for SimplyBook.me With many new features released and the acquisition of the Harmonizely […]
November Newsletter: New Custom Feature Fest!
Hi Everyone, your friendly update on the developments from SimplyBook.me here in the November newsletter, and we have some cool stuff to tell you about this month. We have implemented not one but two new custom features this month and an update that many of you have been waiting for. What’s Hot for a Chilly November? Okay, […]
October Newsletter: There’s Nothing Spooky Going on Here…
It’s already the end of October, and for many of us, we’re sliding quickly into winter with the longer nights and cooler weather (a bit of relief here in Cyprus). Halloween is just around the corner, and with All Hallows Eve comes the knowledge that Christmas is not far behind. That means we have to […]
September Newsletter: Back in Gear and Driving New Developments
Is September over already? It only feels like two minutes ago, we were sending kids backs to school and getting our noses back to the grindstone. Time flies when you’re busy and love what you do (or when you have too much work and not enough time). At SimplyBook.me, September is a time for us […]
August Newsletter – Recap so far, Refresh the staff, Renew our mission
It’s been a busy year so far, and we aren’t done yet. However, both July and August have been slow months. Mainly because business always slows down then and that’s when most of our staff want to take their holidays. It’s a nice little synchronicity. So let’s have a recap of the developments so far […]
July Newsletter: Hot SimplyBook.me News for a Scorching Summer
Wow! July is over, and a scorching one it’s been too – not just here in Cyprus, but in many places across the northern hemisphere. While we are in our slowest period of the year, we have been tackling feature enhancements, improvements in our service, and preparing for new product releases in September. July has […]
June Newsletter: Enhancements & New Addition to the Simply Family
Woosh! And half the year has gone already. Where has 2021 gone so quickly? Summer in the northern hemisphere is our quietest time – we have to let our developers have their vacation time, even if they can’t go on a destination holiday. However, we’ve still been working away on our new developments, enhancing existing […]