Home Business Types 5 Blazing Business Ideas Even Your Grandma Can Pull Off Right Now!
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5 Blazing Business Ideas Even Your Grandma Can Pull Off Right Now!

Ingvar Gudmundsson
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Business ideas even your grandma can pull off

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I recently became a dad and I have to admit I am having a blast. Toddlers are awesome. But they are also expensive as hell. Have you seen the prices on those tiny little shoes that look so adorable but serve little to no purpose?

Just in case you don’t know the prices – stuff for kids costs an arm and a leg!

And, as any decent parent would, I had an immediate business idea of either reselling them or getting into the hand-made market for kids.

I mean, all it takes is a website. How hard can it be! Is WordPress all that separates me from wealth and bathing in gold, caviar, and champagne like a duck from a Disney cartoon? That is what all those super-rich folks do all the time, right?   

Yet, I only discuss how awesome it would be to own a store for kids with other parents. Then, after all the talking is done I never lift a finger.

Not because I’m lazy. Well, I kinda am, but that’s not the point. We would never go into the kids store business because the idea sucks if you put your mind to it.

Just imagine the volumes of goods I would need and the plethora of sizes, colors, etc. Logistics, maintenance, storing and purchasing the goods themselves require an immense capital investment.

I don’t have that kind of money. No one with kids does.

Luckily there are other ways to start a profitable business. I know because I’ve met a lot of people while working with SimplyBook.Me and I know that folks are doing an amazing job with creative businesses. Some of them are so easy that even your grandma can pull them off and book her schedule full of important, profitable clients.

Test and review stuff

It is as easy as ever to make a website today with tools like WordPress at our disposal. It’s even easier to set up a YouTube channel. After that, all it takes for you is to pick up the stuff you use on a daily basis and review it.

Be honest, creative and sincere about the product at hand and you’ll gather quite an audience around you. Get enough people to watch your show and companies will stand in line with briefcases filled with cash just for you to review their next big product.

Don’t just take my word for it. Take a look at Marques Brownlee, a 20-year-old man who has built an entire product review empire!

Ok, I’m not saying that earning millions of subscribers is easy, but if the quality of your videos will be fine and you will be sincere in your opinion a couple hundred will come. They will bring in more people over time and that would be enough to make a decent living. You’ll also have an occasional product or two for free, which is nice.

Share your knowledge

I’ve already talked about becoming a successful coach in one of our posts and I covered the impact tutoring has on our future. Why don’t you combine that knowledge into your profession?

Based on the region you live in you can charge anything from $10 to $100 per hour of schooling while all you need to do is to pour the stuff from your head into someone else’s brain.

There are not only kids who need tutoring.Y A lot of adults need help with foreign languages, computer skills and even a few unexpected fields of science. You’d be surprised at what people are willing to do for that next big promotion!

Help people find love!

Are your words smooth as silk? Then you’ve got to try out the hottest new trend- the job of an online dating consultant.

The job implies you’ll be putting on the shoes of someone’s wingman or you might even talk to people from a given profile on Tinder or Facebook. The task is obvious – you’ll be arranging dates for others.

I don’t know about the moral aspect of such a job, but I can definitely see how it can be a lot of fun!

How big is your house?

Before I had kids I often thought that my place is too big for me and my wife. I sure as hell don’t think so now, but maybe you do? If so and you live in an area with some major tourist attractions – feel free to provide bed-&-breakfast services.

The routine is simple. Use the combined force of SimplyBook.me and any given trip advisor app, register your home there and treat the people willing to stay at your place with the luxury of a 5-star hotel.

I know people in NY are making a fortune by being hosts to guests from all over the world. The money is great and so is the experience.

Is there speed in your blood?

Ok, that’s excessive. Having a car is enough for the next big idea – becoming a one man delivery service. Sure you won´t top Amazon, but then again – you don’t have to. All you need to do is to have a thing.

Here’s an example. A friend of mine has a food blog where he shares amazing recipes. He also found a way to monetize on it greatly. He sells a recipe along with just the right amount of groceries to cook it and delivers the goods conveniently to people’s doorsteps.

His community has awesome fresh-cooked meals in a great variety and my friend enjoys a growing business.

As you can see, having a business is not that hard. All it takes for an amazing project is a bit of creativity. So tell me, what’s your big idea? 

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