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Top Performer Appointment scheduling software

Appointment Scheduling Software Customer Success Award – is a Top Performer

It thrills us to announce that FeaturedCustomers has awarded the Top Performer in the Winter 2023 Appointment Scheduling Software Customer Success Report! What Metrics are Used to Determine This Award? FeaturedCustomers is a well-known customer success content marketing platform for B2B business software and services. It provides vendor-validated customer success content, such as customer […]

Amie Parnaby


Beauty & Wellness, Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips, Business Types
Bring down waiting time at the salon

How to Bring Down Long Waiting Times at the Salon

Long waiting times at the salon can be a real pain point for customers. That is why many salons are investing in new technology to improve efficiency and reduce wait times. The impacts of long waiting times at the salon are many. First, there is the impact on the salon itself. Long waiting times create […]

Anand Srinivasan


Business Types, Beauty & Wellness, Business, Product & Tool Tips, Tips
Salon Scheduling Software

Salon Scheduling Software – How to Choose the Right One

So you have a salon. It might be a new venture, an expansion of a small business, or maybe you’ve decided it’s the right time to get on the automated booking wagon. Everyone else is saving time and money. Why not you? The size and origin of your salon are not important. The critical point is […]

Amie Parnaby
