Business, Product & Tool Tips

What Is a Booking Page

In our fast-paced world, efficiency and convenience are paramount, especially when it comes to scheduling and managing appointments. Whether you’re a business owner, a service provider, or a customer, having a streamlined process can save time and enhance overall satisfaction. This is where a booking page comes into play—a simple yet powerful tool designed to […]

Daena Skinner


Business, Product & Tool Tips
10 Essential Tips to Streamline Appointment Management System for Small Businesses

10 Essential Tips to Streamline Appointment Management System for Small Businesses

Are you drowning in a sea of appointments, struggling to keep your head above water? Feeling like there’s just not enough hours in the day to tame the appointment chaos? Running a small business is no walk in the park, especially when you’re juggling clients, meetings, and everything in between. You might be sitting there, […]

Bethel Sheferaw


Business, Product & Tool Tips
Why you should use a booking system

Why You Should Use a Booking System: A Guide for Service-Based Businesses

In today’s fast-paced world, managing a service-based business requires efficiency and professionalism, especially in industries like beauty, sports, and fitness, health and wellness. A booking system, such as, is pivotal in streamlining appointment processes, which significantly enhances both customer experience and operational management. Here’s why embracing a booking system can be transformative for your […]

Daena Skinner


News & Updates, Business, Product & Tool Tips
WordPress Integration

Elevate Your Website with’s WordPress Integration

We’re excited to introduce our latest integration:’s seamless integration with WordPress! This new integration brings together the best of both worlds, empowering businesses to enhance their online presence and streamline their booking processes like never before. Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Business Seamless Website Integration: With our WordPress integration, you can effortlessly […]

Daena Skinner


Business Tips
5 Secrets to Guaranteed Online Learning Success

5 Secrets to Guaranteed Online Learning Success

Do you want to make sure students find value in your online course? If so, you’re far from alone. Business owners and content creators know that virtual lessons are growing in popularity and are an excellent way to turn visitors into subscribers and subscribers into loyal customers.  We all may have slightly different reasons for […]

Daena Skinner


Coaching & Consulting, Business, Product & Tool Tips
How to Handle Client Data Responsibly in Your Booking System

2024 Step-by-Step Guide: How to Successfully Start a Consulting Business 

Are you considering starting a consulting business in 2024? Imagine turning your expertise into a thriving consulting career. The possibility of guiding others with your knowledge while making a living out of it remains promising in 2024. The new year may be the dawn of your business journey with limitless possibilities for success.  Starting your […]

Daena Skinner


Business, Product & Tool Tips, Business Tips
How to Handle Client Data Responsibly in Your Booking System-1

Don’t forget to be compliant when launching your online business!

Ready to launch your online business? Hold tight! Navigating the intricate web of legal compliance requirements becomes crucial. We understand that being compliant with various laws may seem like a daunting task. That’s why we’re here to provide you with some useful resources that will help take the pressure off, so that you can go […]

Jessica Ryder


Business, Product & Tool Tips, News & Updates
Zoom Feature

Simplify Your Online Meetings with’s New Zoom Integration

As digital interactions continue to be a cornerstone of service-based businesses, is excited to introduce a feature that seamlessly bridges the gap between scheduling and conducting online meetings or classes. Our latest feature, Zoom Integration, is designed to transform the way service providers connect with their clients, making virtual meetings more accessible and easier […]

Daena Skinner


Other Industries, Tips
Dog Field Rental

Why Dog Field Rentals Are Choosing Over Other Systems

In the growing world of pet-centric services, dog field rentals stand out as a flourishing business model. As more pet owners seek safe and exclusive spaces for their furry friends to play and socialise, the demand for private dog fields has skyrocketed. This surge has highlighted the necessity for dog field rental businesses to employ […]

Daena Skinner


News & Updates, Tips
Campaign Feature

Introducing “Campaigns”: The Ultimate Marketing Feature by

We’re thrilled to introduce a new addition to the platform – the “Campaign” custom feature. This innovative tool is crafted to improve your marketing efforts, allowing for personalised engagement and streamlined mass communication across multiple channels. Read on to discover how the “Campaign” feature can transform your marketing approach. Who Benefits from the “Campaign” […]

Daena Skinner


Business Tips

Cash To Contactless: Navigating Physical Security Challenges For In-Store Payments

RBR Global forecasts that 80% of credit and debit cards will have contactless functionality by 2027. Contactless payments have swept the retail industry, offering speedy and easy payments for customers.  But what does this mean for security in retail stores? Keep reading as we explore the top physical security threats presented by contactless payment methods […]

Daena Skinner
